Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Finally Reading

You would think as a librarian, I would have all sorts of time to read some of the exciting new titles in the young adult genre, but sadly, I have to admit that last year, I didn't get a chance to read much of anything.  Though I never have time to actually read during school, I have recently made the time to read some of the new books we've gotten in.  The first book I read was "The Future of Us" by Jay Asher and and Carolyn Mackler.  I really liked Jay's book "13 Reasons Why" so I was looking forward to reading this one.  I liked the premise of the story - two teens in the early 90's just finding their way to an online world suddenly discover their future selves on Facebook.  They realize that little things they do have an effect on their futures as their future facebook statuses update.  Overall the book was interesting though I found my own personal flaws with some of the writing.  I do think any teen that understands facebook would still enjoy the book.  I have also discovered a new triology series by Ally Condie.  The first book is called "Matched" and it is almost like a cross between "The Giver" and "The Hunger Games" with its dystopian society.  The first book was an enjoyable read so now I'm on to the second book.  The 3rd will be published sometime in November so I will need to add it to one of my order lists. 

Though I think in general I'm a pretty good librarian.  I'm great at organizing, technology, and research.  I think I did well with my big orders last year as I'm noticing a lot of those new books getting checked out.  I am getting to know the collection fairly well as I've updated it and am starting a large weeding project.  I think my biggest weakness is in knowing the current literature in order to make recommendations.  Unlike elementary level books, much of the books in my collection take more time to read.  Though I'm a fast reader, I find that I typically don't take the time to read as much as I should.  So my goal for this year is to read at least two new books a month.  I think that is somewhat reasonable and gives me a place to go.  But I also need to make sure I go beyond those books that appeal to the female population.  I'm also going to get my library club involved in reading and making recommendations as well. 

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